Excellent condition White Silver Start Light dish set serving of 12 dish set. Set include salt and pepper shakers, gravy boat, …
They don't make them like this anymore! Crystal glass pieces with a wide variety of dishes included (including but not limited …
Glass pitcher and goblets.
Pitcher: 7 3/4" tall, 5"wide
Goblets: 5 3/4" tall, 3 3/4" wide
Excellent condition
Bowl: Glass, with metal exterior trim with colorful beads.
8 1/2" Wide
Utentsils: used together are tongs: one Spoon, One Spork. …
Excellent Condition. 7 1/4" Tall, 6" Wide, 2 1/2" Deep
Vintage. 30's-40's. Made in USA. Lid opens with thumb.
7" tall, 8" wide, 4 3/4" deep
11Bombay Blue and White Cups and Saucers with lids
The 12th Cup and kid is included but the saucer is missing.
12 Dinner Plates of Bombay China
8 Beautiful Fostoria Antique Stemware sells for on other websites for $49.00 each.
10. by Humpfree#5
Very desirable antique stemware
Sells for $49.00 per stemware on Antique websites